
Dark Monday

Montag, 02.12.2024
Einlass 19:00 Uhr
Beginn 20:00 Uhr
VVK 6 € zzgl. Gebühren
AK 8 €

The Neatles

The Neatles – Girl Groups of The ’60s: Pre-Beatles Queens of The Pop Chart featuring Jasmine Thorn, Gabby Nelson, Vanessa Wagner, Elena Gallego Jimenez, Ashley Remus, Samantha Mohr, Paula Gil-Casares, Charles C. Urban, Derrick Jenkins

We will be performing a representative selection from The Girl Group Repertoire packed within an original story by Author Jadi Campbell.

The Neatles – Girl Groups of The ’60s: Pre-Beatles Queens of The Pop Chart

In Pop Music History, the phenomenon between early Rock & Roll and the mid-1960s British Invasion is know as the Era of the “Girl Groups.” They offered a style rich in vocal harmonies that was eagerly embraced by a wide audience.

Flourishing between 1958 and 1965 – between Elvis and The Beatles – Girl Groups were genuine, authentic Rock & Roll! The music of The Shirelles, The Angels, The Ronettes, The Chiffons, The Marvelletes, The Shangrilas, etc. thrived in the fallow years of Rock & Roll while much of the rest of the music in this time grew tame, predictable and dull.

It was music of celebration – of simple joy, of innocence, of sex, of life itself. It was utopian stuff – a utopian of love between a boy and a girl, a utopia of feeling, of sentiment, of desire most of all.